Raw Sausage Spreadable
The use of starter cultures also offers numerous advantages in the production of spreadable raw sausage. In contrast to the production of firm raw sausage, excessive acid formation is undesired, as this has a negative effect on the spreadability of the raw sausage.
With selected starter cultures and suitable ripening agents and adapted temperature control, lactic acid formation can be controlled in such a way that a protective effect against pathogenic germs is achieved by mild acidification, but the spreadability is maintained. The development and stabilization of the color is supported by nitrate/nitrite reducing starter organisms. The addition of a dominant starter flora helps to suppress the growth of unwanted germs.
Service Hotline
Lay Gewürze GmbH
Würz- & Lebensmitteltechnologie
Im Oberen Weidig 2
D-98631 Grabfeld
Würz- & Lebensmitteltechnologie
Im Oberen Weidig 2
D-98631 Grabfeld
Mo. - Fr.: 07:30-16:30 Uhr
+49 36944 521 486
+49 36944 521 300
1 kg
Rohwurstreifemittel mit Würzung für frische ZwiebelmettwurstAussehen/
g je kgnach Geschmack würzen, ca. 12 g je kgLMKVGewürze, Glucosesirup, Dextrose, Verdickungsmittel: E 412, Emulgator: E 471, E 472c, Antioxidationsmittel: E 300, E 301, Säuerungsmittel: E 575, E 330, Geschmacksverstärker: E 621, GewürzextrakteArtikelStatus
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